prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig81915.19163.1 (polypeptide) Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig81915.19163.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI001986E4DE (zf-HC2 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Streptomyces echinoruber TaxID=68898 RepID=UPI001986E4DE) HSP 1 Score: 74.3 bits (181), Expect = 2.040e-15 Identity = 40/78 (51.28%), Postives = 50/78 (64.10%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 5 RRRKSGPSCEEVMEVLQSYLDGETDAETARSVAAHLEVCEGCGPEAAVFRRIKLSLHQQSEPVDPAVLSSLEAFGRRL 82 R + G +C + VLQ+YLDGETD TAR +AAHLE C CGPEA +RRIK +L ++SEP DP + L F L Sbjct: 9 RPAQRGMTCMKAARVLQAYLDGETDEVTARRMAAHLEDCGRCGPEAETYRRIKGALARRSEP-DPDAVKRLRKFAEGL 85
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig81915.19163.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI001F3DDA1B (zf-HC2 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Streptomyces acididurans TaxID=2784346 RepID=UPI001F3DDA1B) HSP 1 Score: 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 3.080e-12 Identity = 41/85 (48.24%), Postives = 49/85 (57.65%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MKFFRRRKSGP---SCEEVMEVLQSYLDGETDAETARSVAAHLEVCEGCGPEAAVFRRIKLSLHQQSEPVDPAVLSSLEAFGRRL 82 M+ FR +G +C V VLQSYLDGETDA T R V AHLE C CG EAAV R IK + ++ P D + L +GR L Sbjct: 1 MRRFRPGSAGHRRMNCLRVQRVLQSYLDGETDAATVRRVEAHLEDCRRCGLEAAVHREIKAAFTRREAP-DRDAVERLTEWGRSL 84
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig81915.19163.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI0017D39AE3 (Zf-HC2 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Catenulispora sp. TaxID=1962977 RepID=UPI0017D39AE3) HSP 1 Score: 64.7 bits (156), Expect = 7.730e-12 Identity = 38/76 (50.00%), Postives = 43/76 (56.58%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 13 CEEVMEVLQSYLDGETDAETARSVAAHLEVCEGCGPEAAVFRRIKLSLHQQSEPVDPAVLSSLEAFGRRLASGGPN 88 C V V+QSYLDG TDA TAR V HLEVC CG EA +R I +L Q P + A L L AFG L P+ Sbjct: 3 CWRVSRVVQSYLDGHTDAVTARRVREHLEVCRRCGLEAETYRAIIDALAQNGRPAETA-LDRLRAFGDGLLEVPPD 77
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig81915.19163.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI001E5E8797 (zf-HC2 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Streptomyces gobiensis TaxID=2875706 RepID=UPI001E5E8797) HSP 1 Score: 58.2 bits (139), Expect = 3.120e-9 Identity = 31/68 (45.59%), Postives = 40/68 (58.82%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 19 VLQSYLDGETDAETARSVAAHLEVCEGCGPEAAVFRRIKLSLHQQSEPVDPAVLSSLEAFGRRLASGG 86 +LQSYLD ETDA TAR V AHL+ C C +A F++++ SL + P D A + L F L GG Sbjct: 5 LLQSYLDRETDAATARHVGAHLDECHHCDRDARTFQQLRSSLTRHGGP-DEAAVGRLHDFAHSLLRGG 71
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig81915.19163.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A537VCH2_9ACTN (Anti-sigma factor n=3 Tax=Terrabacteria group TaxID=1783272 RepID=A0A537VCH2_9ACTN) HSP 1 Score: 48.9 bits (115), Expect = 1.110e-5 Identity = 32/69 (46.38%), Postives = 39/69 (56.52%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 12 SCEEVMEVLQSYLDGETDAETARSVAAHLEVCEGCGPEAAVFRR-IKLSLHQQSEPVDPAVLSSL-EAF 78 SC+EV+E+L +YLDGE D T V AHL C+GC FR I+LS E VD +L EAF Sbjct: 2 SCQEVVELLSAYLDGELDPTTLERVEAHLAGCDGCTMVLEEFRETIRLSGGLTVEQVDETQRRTLLEAF 70
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig81915.19163.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A7X5WAY2_9BACT (zf-HC2 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Gemmatimonadetes bacterium TaxID=2026742 RepID=A0A7X5WAY2_9BACT) HSP 1 Score: 48.1 bits (113), Expect = 2.220e-5 Identity = 24/60 (40.00%), Postives = 35/60 (58.33%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 12 SCEEVMEVLQSYLDGETDAETARSVAAHLEVCEGCGPEAAVFRRIKLSLHQ--QSEPVDP 69 SC+E +E L YLDGE A ++ V H+EVCE C PE + +LH+ + +P+ P Sbjct: 7 SCQEALERLYEYLDGELTARSSDEVRHHIEVCEACYPEVKFTTEFRDALHRAARGQPLCP 66 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig81915.19163.1 vs. uniprot
Analysis Date: 2022-09-16 (Diamond blastp: OGS1.0 of Macrocystis pyrifera male vs UniRef90) Total hits: 6
Analysis Name: InterProScan on OGS1.0 of Macrocystis pyrifera male
Date Performed: 2022-09-29
The following features are aligned
This polypeptide is derived from or has results from the following analyses
This polypeptide derives from the following mRNA feature(s):
The following sequences are available for this feature:
polypeptide sequence >prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig81915.19163.1 ID=prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig81915.19163.1|Name=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig81915.19163.1|organism=Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male|type=polypeptide|length=90bpback to top Annotated Terms
The following terms have been associated with this polypeptide: