mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1 (mRNA) Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A6H5JG92_9PHAE (BRCT domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Ectocarpus sp. CCAP 1310/34 TaxID=867726 RepID=A0A6H5JG92_9PHAE) HSP 1 Score: 90.1 bits (222), Expect = 4.720e-19 Identity = 47/83 (56.63%), Postives = 56/83 (67.47%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 13 RCTLEGARQLLAEGRVHCVVGP-SAAVHGASAPAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDAGTLTGTLEWAAQCMAHGRLLLPSAETCPWFPV 258 RCT + A QLL EGRV+CV+G S AV ++A + +AGTLTG+LEWA QCMAHGRLLLPSA TCPWFP+ Sbjct: 947 RCTHDAALQLLQEGRVYCVIGSESTAVRYSAARSEIQKAAV--------EAGTLTGSLEWALQCMAHGRLLLPSAATCPWFPL 1021
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1 vs. uniprot
Match: D7FH86_ECTSI (BRCT domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Ectocarpus siliculosus TaxID=2880 RepID=D7FH86_ECTSI) HSP 1 Score: 86.3 bits (212), Expect = 1.050e-17 Identity = 45/82 (54.88%), Postives = 54/82 (65.85%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 16 CTLEGARQLLAEGRVHCVVGP-SAAVHGASAPAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDAGTLTGTLEWAAQCMAHGRLLLPSAETCPWFPV 258 CT + A QLL EGRV+CV+G S AV ++A + +AGTL G+LEWA QCMAHGRLLLPSA TCPWFP+ Sbjct: 771 CTHDAALQLLQEGRVYCVIGSESTAVRVSTARSAIEKAAV--------EAGTLAGSLEWALQCMAHGRLLLPSAATCPWFPL 844
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1 vs. uniprot
Match: D7FW83_ECTSI (BRCT domain-containing protein n=2 Tax=Ectocarpus TaxID=2879 RepID=D7FW83_ECTSI) HSP 1 Score: 84.0 bits (206), Expect = 6.940e-17 Identity = 42/83 (50.60%), Postives = 53/83 (63.86%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 13 RCTLEGARQLLAEGRVHCVVGPSAAVHGASAPAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDAGTLTGTLEWAAQCMAHGRLLLPSAETCPWFPVG 261 +CTLEGA +L+ +G+V CV+GP +A G SA A GT G+LEWA QC+ HGRLLLP+A TCPWFP+G Sbjct: 1484 QCTLEGALKLVKDGQVFCVIGPKSA-DGGSASASTAAVEEAAEVM-----GTPAGSLEWATQCIIHGRLLLPNAGTCPWFPLG 1560 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1 vs. uniprot
Analysis Date: 2022-09-19 (Diamond blastx: OGS1.0 vs UniRef90) Total hits: 3
The following features are aligned
This mRNA is derived from or has results from the following analyses
The following CDS feature(s) are a part of this mRNA:
The following polypeptide feature(s) derives from this mRNA:
The following sequences are available for this feature:
protein sequence of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1 >prot_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1 ID=prot_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=polypeptide|length=92bp KGDHRCTLEGARQLLAEGRVHCVVGPSAAVHGASAPAAAAAAAASAVMKAback to top mRNA from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig2112:7131..7407+ Legend: CDSpolypeptide Hold the cursor over a type above to highlight its positions in the sequence below.>mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1 ID=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=mRNA|length=277bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig2112:7131..7407+ (Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15)back to top Coding sequence (CDS) from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig2112:7131..7407+ >mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1 ID=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig2112.6431.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=CDS|length=552bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig2112:7131..7407+ (Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15)back to top |