prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 (polypeptide) Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A5A8DH77_CAFRO (LYR motif-containing protein 2 n=3 Tax=Cafeteria roenbergensis TaxID=33653 RepID=A0A5A8DH77_CAFRO) HSP 1 Score: 64.3 bits (155), Expect = 3.650e-11 Identity = 33/79 (41.77%), Postives = 54/79 (68.35%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MPRLPPSPLPFRSFLVRSKVVRLYRDFLRATAGMPENERRELRRAIRAEFESNRNISDPLKQQSLLVEGVKQLDQVKGM 79 MP+LP R F+ ++KV+ YR+FLRA AG+ E +R R I+AE+ ++N +DP + ++L+VEG +QLDQ++ + Sbjct: 1 MPKLPAQLPSLRQFMQKAKVLAQYREFLRAAAGLEEPQRSHTRSHIKAEYRRHKNETDPGQVRTLMVEGARQLDQLRDL 79
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A5A8E550_CAFRO (LYR motif-containing protein 2 n=1 Tax=Cafeteria roenbergensis TaxID=33653 RepID=A0A5A8E550_CAFRO) HSP 1 Score: 61.2 bits (147), Expect = 4.380e-9 Identity = 32/74 (43.24%), Postives = 52/74 (70.27%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 7 SPLP-FRSFLVRSKVVRLYRDFLRATAGMPENERRELRRAIRAEFESNRNISDPLKQQSLLVEGVKQLDQVKGM 79 PLP R F+ ++KV+ YR+FLRA AG+ E +R R I+AE+ ++N +DP + ++L+VEG +QLDQ++ + Sbjct: 440 GPLPSLRQFMQKAKVLAQYREFLRAAAGLEEPQRSHTRSHIKAEYRRHKNETDPGQVRTLMVEGARQLDQLRDL 513
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A0K9PJ98_ZOSMR (LYR motif-containing protein 2 n=1 Tax=Zostera marina TaxID=29655 RepID=A0A0K9PJ98_ZOSMR) HSP 1 Score: 56.2 bits (134), Expect = 1.250e-8 Identity = 30/71 (42.25%), Postives = 48/71 (67.61%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 12 RSFLVRSKVVRLYRDFLRATAGMPENERRELRRAIRAEFESNRNISDPLKQQSLLVEGVKQLDQVKGMTGM 82 ++F+VR++V++LYRD LR P + R ELR+ +RAE E NR SD K + L+ EG+++L +++ M M Sbjct: 4 QAFIVRARVLKLYRDALRVCRHAPPHTRAELRQTVRAEMEKNRVCSDKQKLRFLISEGMRRLKELQEMLDM 74
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A161YEE1_DAUCS (LYR motif-containing protein 2 n=1 Tax=Daucus carota subsp. sativus TaxID=79200 RepID=A0A161YEE1_DAUCS) HSP 1 Score: 55.8 bits (133), Expect = 1.770e-8 Identity = 31/74 (41.89%), Postives = 49/74 (66.22%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 9 LPFRSFLVRSKVVRLYRDFLRATAGMPENERRELRRAIRAEFESNRNISDPLKQQSLLVEGVKQLDQVKGMTGM 82 L FRSF++R++V++LYR L+ T P + + ELR IR EFES RN SD + + L+ +G+++L ++ M M Sbjct: 5 LDFRSFILRARVLKLYRQALKITKRAPCDSKAELRNIIRQEFESQRNCSDKQRIRFLISDGLERLKRLDEMLDM 78
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A5J5B2E5_9ASTE (LYR motif-containing protein 2 n=1 Tax=Nyssa sinensis TaxID=561372 RepID=A0A5J5B2E5_9ASTE) HSP 1 Score: 55.1 bits (131), Expect = 3.550e-8 Identity = 31/74 (41.89%), Postives = 48/74 (64.86%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 9 LPFRSFLVRSKVVRLYRDFLRATAGMPENERRELRRAIRAEFESNRNISDPLKQQSLLVEGVKQLDQVKGMTGM 82 L + F++R++V++LYR LR T P + R ELR+ IR E E+NRN SD K + L+ +G L+++KG+ M Sbjct: 5 LDLQDFIIRARVLKLYRQALRTTRRAPVHARAELRQTIRQEMENNRNCSDKQKTRFLISQG---LERLKGLNEM 75
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 vs. uniprot
Match: K3Z0S8_SETIT (LYR motif-containing protein 2 n=3 Tax=Paniceae TaxID=147428 RepID=K3Z0S8_SETIT) HSP 1 Score: 55.1 bits (131), Expect = 3.630e-8 Identity = 33/73 (45.21%), Postives = 48/73 (65.75%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 12 RSFLVRSKVVRLYRDFLRATAGMPENERRELRRAIRAEFESNRNISDPLKQQSLLVEG---VKQLDQVKGMTG 81 R+F++R++V++LYR LR T PE+ R ELR+ RAEFE R+ D K + L+ EG +K LD++ MTG Sbjct: 8 RAFILRTRVLKLYRQALRITQRAPEHARDELRKTTRAEFEKYRHCDDNQKIRFLISEGKQRLKGLDELLDMTG 80
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI000B8CDD42 (uncharacterized protein LOC110823419 n=1 Tax=Carica papaya TaxID=3649 RepID=UPI000B8CDD42) HSP 1 Score: 55.1 bits (131), Expect = 3.630e-8 Identity = 31/71 (43.66%), Postives = 44/71 (61.97%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 12 RSFLVRSKVVRLYRDFLRATAGMPENERRELRRAIRAEFESNRNISDPLKQQSLLVEGVKQLDQVKGMTGM 82 + F++R++V++LYR LR P+ R EL R IR E ESNRN SD K + L+ EG+K+L + M M Sbjct: 8 QDFILRARVLKLYRQALRTARRAPDRARVELERTIRQEMESNRNYSDKQKIRFLISEGLKRLKDLDEMLDM 78
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A1Y1I873_KLENI (LYR motif-containing protein 2 n=1 Tax=Klebsormidium nitens TaxID=105231 RepID=A0A1Y1I873_KLENI) HSP 1 Score: 55.1 bits (131), Expect = 3.990e-8 Identity = 32/71 (45.07%), Postives = 46/71 (64.79%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 9 LPFRSFLVRSKVVRLYRDFLRATAGMPENERRELRRAIRAEFESNRNISDPLKQQSLLVEGVKQLDQVKGM 79 L RSF++RS+V+ LYRD LRA P R ELR+ +R EFE+ R+ DP + L +G+++L +KGM Sbjct: 11 LDLRSFILRSQVLGLYRDALRAARQAPLESRAELRQQVRNEFETFRHERDPQAIRFFLSDGLQKLKDLKGM 81
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A6J1IFA5_CUCMA (LYR motif-containing protein 2 n=3 Tax=Cucurbita TaxID=3660 RepID=A0A6J1IFA5_CUCMA) HSP 1 Score: 53.9 bits (128), Expect = 1.030e-7 Identity = 33/76 (43.42%), Postives = 48/76 (63.16%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 9 LPFRSFLVRSKVVRLYRDFLRATAGMPENERRELRRAIRAEFESNRNISDPLKQQSLLVEG---VKQLDQVKGMTG 81 L + F++R++V++LYR LR T P + R ELR IR E E+NR+ SD K + LL EG +K+LD++ M G Sbjct: 5 LDLQEFILRARVLKLYRQALRTTRKAPVHAREELRHTIRQEMENNRSCSDRQKIRFLLSEGRERLKRLDEMLDMQG 80
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A5J9UXG6_9POAL (LYR motif-containing protein 2 n=1 Tax=Eragrostis curvula TaxID=38414 RepID=A0A5J9UXG6_9POAL) HSP 1 Score: 53.9 bits (128), Expect = 1.030e-7 Identity = 32/73 (43.84%), Postives = 47/73 (64.38%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 12 RSFLVRSKVVRLYRDFLRATAGMPENERRELRRAIRAEFESNRNISDPLKQQSLLVEGV---KQLDQVKGMTG 81 R+F++R++V++LYR LR T PE+ R ELR+ RAE E R+ D K + L+ EG+ K LD++ MTG Sbjct: 8 RAFIMRTRVLKLYRQALRVTRRAPEHARDELRQTARAEIEKYRDCDDKQKIRFLISEGMQRLKDLDELLDMTG 80 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 vs. uniprot
Analysis Date: 2022-09-16 (Diamond blastp: OGS1.0 of Macrocystis pyrifera male vs UniRef90) Total hits: 25
Pagesback to topInterPro
Analysis Name: InterProScan on OGS1.0 of Macrocystis pyrifera male
Date Performed: 2022-09-29
The following features are aligned
This polypeptide is derived from or has results from the following analyses
This polypeptide derives from the following mRNA feature(s):
The following sequences are available for this feature:
polypeptide sequence >prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1 ID=prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1|Name=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85247.19873.1|organism=Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male|type=polypeptide|length=82bpback to top Annotated Terms
The following terms have been associated with this polypeptide: