prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 (polypeptide) Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A2D5FED8_9GAMM (Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Haliea sp. TaxID=1932666 RepID=A0A2D5FED8_9GAMM) HSP 1 Score: 92.4 bits (228), Expect = 9.140e-21 Identity = 47/66 (71.21%), Postives = 52/66 (78.79%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 LTELEDTGFVAKVLGRYDILVMGLLGSARELSQLLSSRIERLDGVRKVHTSQVLSFVKYDHHWTAI 66 L L +TGFVA VLGRYDILVMGLLG+ EL +LL+ RIE L GV KVHTSQVL FVKYD WTA+ Sbjct: 246 LAALPETGFVAIVLGRYDILVMGLLGNPGELERLLAERIEPLSGVSKVHTSQVLGFVKYDVRWTAL 311
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A3N2E1S3_9GAMM (Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator for asnA, asnC and gidA n=2 Tax=Sinobacterium caligoides TaxID=933926 RepID=A0A3N2E1S3_9GAMM) HSP 1 Score: 57.0 bits (136), Expect = 2.130e-8 Identity = 27/67 (40.30%), Postives = 44/67 (65.67%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 LTELEDTGFVAKVLGRYDILVMGLLGSARELSQLLSSRIERLDGVRKVHTSQVLSFVKYDHHWTAIL 67 L+E+ GFVAK+LGR+DIL + L+ +L+ L S I + G+R+ TS ++FVK+D+ + I+ Sbjct: 88 LSEIPAMGFVAKMLGRFDILAITLVQDTEQLTDFLHSNISTIKGIRRTETSLGVNFVKHDYRVSRIV 154
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A2E7IMF4_9GAMM (AsnC family transcriptional regulator n=2 Tax=Gammaproteobacteria TaxID=1236 RepID=A0A2E7IMF4_9GAMM) HSP 1 Score: 57.0 bits (136), Expect = 2.130e-8 Identity = 28/68 (41.18%), Postives = 45/68 (66.18%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 LTELEDTGFVAKVLGRYDILVMGLLGSARELSQLLSSRIERLDGVRKVHTSQVLSFVKYDHHWTAILA 68 L E++ GFVA LGR+DIL + L+ + +L+ L+SR+ + GVR+ S ++FVK+D+ + ILA Sbjct: 88 LAEVQQIGFVAVTLGRFDILAITLVQNNGQLADFLNSRVSVIPGVRRTECSLGVTFVKHDYRMSKILA 155
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI001F2CE4A0 (Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator n=1 Tax=Sinobacterium norvegicum TaxID=1641715 RepID=UPI001F2CE4A0) HSP 1 Score: 54.7 bits (130), Expect = 1.670e-7 Identity = 25/67 (37.31%), Postives = 45/67 (67.16%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 LTELEDTGFVAKVLGRYDILVMGLLGSARELSQLLSSRIERLDGVRKVHTSQVLSFVKYDHHWTAIL 67 L+++ + GFVAK+LGR+DIL + L+ +L+ L + I + G+R+ TS ++FVK+D+ + I+ Sbjct: 89 LSDIPEMGFVAKMLGRFDILAITLVQDPEQLTGFLHTNISTIKGIRRTETSLGVNFVKHDYRVSHIV 155
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 vs. uniprot
Match: J9DF16_9PROT (HTH asnC-type domain-containing protein n=9 Tax=Alphaproteobacteria TaxID=28211 RepID=J9DF16_9PROT) HSP 1 Score: 54.7 bits (130), Expect = 1.870e-7 Identity = 25/72 (34.72%), Postives = 41/72 (56.94%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 LTELEDTGFVAKVLGRYDILVMGLLGSARELSQLLSSRIERLDGVRKVHTSQVLSFVKYDHHWTAILAPEEN 72 + + D G V +LGR+DI+ +GL +L++ I +DGVR++ TS V +KYD+ I+ P E+ Sbjct: 86 IANIPDIGAVIILLGRFDIMAIGLFDGLSNFQKLVNKSILSIDGVRRIETSAVSEIIKYDNKVAKIITPLED 157
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A0Q6TTQ4_9CAUL (HTH asnC-type domain-containing protein n=2 Tax=unclassified Caulobacter TaxID=2648921 RepID=A0A0Q6TTQ4_9CAUL) HSP 1 Score: 53.1 bits (126), Expect = 6.920e-7 Identity = 26/70 (37.14%), Postives = 40/70 (57.14%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 LTELEDTGFVAKVLGRYDILVMGLLGSARELSQLLSSRIERLDGVRKVHTSQVLSFVKYDHHWTAILAPE 70 L+ +E+ G V +LGRY+++ MGL S ++ L+ +RI+ L GVR V S + KYD I P+ Sbjct: 87 LSAIEEIGCVIVLLGRYNLMAMGLFKSVEQVDDLIRARIKTLPGVRDVEVSTAIHSFKYDVRMARITRPK 156
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI000C7A1B7F (Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator n=1 Tax=Oceanicoccus sp. KOV_DT_Chl TaxID=1904639 RepID=UPI000C7A1B7F) HSP 1 Score: 51.2 bits (121), Expect = 3.440e-6 Identity = 24/67 (35.82%), Postives = 43/67 (64.18%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 LTELEDTGFVAKVLGRYDILVMGLLGSARELSQLLSSRIERLDGVRKVHTSQVLSFVKYDHHWTAIL 67 L+ + + GFVAK LGR DIL + ++ + +L+ L S I ++GVR+ S ++F+K+D+ + I+ Sbjct: 88 LSAIPEIGFVAKTLGRSDILAITMVQNNAQLASFLHSTISGIEGVRRTECSLGVNFIKHDYRMSRIV 154
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI00042A06A7 (Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator n=1 Tax=Hellea balneolensis TaxID=287478 RepID=UPI00042A06A7) HSP 1 Score: 51.2 bits (121), Expect = 3.980e-6 Identity = 27/69 (39.13%), Postives = 40/69 (57.97%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 LTELEDTGFVAKVLGRYDILVMGLLGSARELSQLLSSRIERLDGVRKVHTSQVLSFVKYDHHWTAILAP 69 + EL + V +LGR+DIL +GL + Q+ S++I + GVR V TS V+ VKYD+ I+ P Sbjct: 87 VAELSEINAVIILLGRFDILAIGLFEGLSAVHQVASNKILDIKGVRLVETSVVVDVVKYDNRVAKIMTP 155
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI001C99E7FE (Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator n=2 Tax=unclassified Azospirillum TaxID=2630922 RepID=UPI001C99E7FE) HSP 1 Score: 50.1 bits (118), Expect = 1.090e-5 Identity = 25/67 (37.31%), Postives = 41/67 (61.19%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 LTELEDTGFVAKVLGRYDILVMGLLGSARELSQLLSSRIERLDGVRKVHTSQVLSFVKYDHHWTAIL 67 L+ + G V +LGRY+++ MGL S ++ +L+S+RI+ L GVR+V S + +KYD I+ Sbjct: 87 LSSIPSIGCVMVLLGRYNLMAMGLFTSLEQVHELVSTRIKILPGVREVEVSVSIHSLKYDARMARIV 153
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A534EP97_9GAMM (Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator n=3 Tax=Gammaproteobacteria bacterium TaxID=1913989 RepID=A0A534EP97_9GAMM) HSP 1 Score: 49.7 bits (117), Expect = 1.590e-5 Identity = 22/61 (36.07%), Postives = 40/61 (65.57%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 LTELEDTGFVAKVLGRYDILVMGLLGSARELSQLLSSRIERLDGVRKVHTSQVLSFVKYDH 61 + + + G V +LGR+DIL +GL G+ +++ ++++RI L GVR V TS + +K++H Sbjct: 89 IAAMPEIGCVILMLGRFDILAIGLFGALEDIAAIVNNRILALPGVRHVETSIAVKTLKHEH 149 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 vs. uniprot
Analysis Date: 2022-09-16 (Diamond blastp: OGS1.0 of Macrocystis pyrifera male vs UniRef90) Total hits: 10
Analysis Name: InterProScan on OGS1.0 of Macrocystis pyrifera male
Date Performed: 2022-09-29
The following features are aligned
This polypeptide is derived from or has results from the following analyses
This polypeptide derives from the following mRNA feature(s):
The following sequences are available for this feature:
polypeptide sequence >prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1 ID=prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1|Name=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig85086.19827.1|organism=Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male|type=polypeptide|length=73bpback to top |