mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 (mRNA) Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 vs. uniprot
Match: D7FVZ3_ECTSI (Hydrolase_4 domain-containing protein n=2 Tax=Ectocarpus TaxID=2879 RepID=D7FVZ3_ECTSI) HSP 1 Score: 103 bits (258), Expect = 2.860e-25 Identity = 43/58 (74.14%), Postives = 52/58 (89.66%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 10 GLRDELIPPWHMRTLYNASPERAGGGKRLVTVADGTHNDTWEKGGQKYLRALEAFVTE 183 GL+DELIPPWHMR+LYNASPE +GGGKR+ TV DGTHNDTWE+GG +YL+AL +F+ E Sbjct: 230 GLKDELIPPWHMRSLYNASPESSGGGKRIFTVKDGTHNDTWERGGLEYLQALRSFMEE 287
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI001E1E0E39 (alpha/beta hydrolase domain-containing protein WAV2-like n=1 Tax=Mercenaria mercenaria TaxID=6596 RepID=UPI001E1E0E39) HSP 1 Score: 66.6 bits (161), Expect = 1.400e-11 Identity = 31/58 (53.45%), Postives = 38/58 (65.52%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 10 GLRDELIPPWHMRTLYNASPERAGGGKRLVTVADGTHNDTWEKGGQKYLRALEAFVTE 183 GLRDEL+PP HM LY A+ + K TVA+GTHNDTW +GG Y A+ FV+E Sbjct: 203 GLRDELVPPAHMTKLYEAATKSRK--KAFFTVANGTHNDTWFRGGHAYREAIRNFVSE 258
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 vs. uniprot
Match: M1VI61_CYAM1 (Temperature sensitive supressor Bem46 n=1 Tax=Cyanidioschyzon merolae (strain NIES-3377 / 10D) TaxID=280699 RepID=M1VI61_CYAM1) HSP 1 Score: 66.6 bits (161), Expect = 1.810e-11 Identity = 31/60 (51.67%), Postives = 42/60 (70.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 10 GLRDELIPPWHMRTLYNASPERAGGGK--RLVTVADGTHNDTWEKGGQKYLRALEAFVTE 183 G +DEL+PP HM LYNA+ RAG R+V + DGTHNDTW +GG++Y +A+ F+ E Sbjct: 252 GRQDELVPPSHMDALYNAA--RAGSCMLARMVYIPDGTHNDTWYRGGERYYQAIADFIQE 309
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A9SQK3_PHYPA (Predicted protein n=1 Tax=Physcomitrium patens TaxID=3218 RepID=A9SQK3_PHYPA) HSP 1 Score: 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 2.410e-11 Identity = 27/56 (48.21%), Postives = 38/56 (67.86%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 10 GLRDELIPPWHMRTLYNASPERAGGGKRLVTVADGTHNDTWEKGGQKYLRALEAFV 177 GL DE++PP HMR LY+A+ + + LV DGTH +TW +GG +Y R++E FV Sbjct: 239 GLLDEMVPPSHMRELYDAAQDTSSARHTLVEFPDGTHMETWSQGGDRYWRSIEIFV 294
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 vs. uniprot
Match: M2XS14_GALSU (Hydrolase n=1 Tax=Galdieria sulphuraria TaxID=130081 RepID=M2XS14_GALSU) HSP 1 Score: 60.8 bits (146), Expect = 1.960e-9 Identity = 28/56 (50.00%), Postives = 37/56 (66.07%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 10 GLRDELIPPWHMRTLYNASPERAGGGKRLVTVADGTHNDTWEKGGQKYLRALEAFV 177 GLRDEL+PP M+ LY+ + +++VT DGTHNDTW +GG Y A+ AFV Sbjct: 225 GLRDELVPPKLMQQLYDLATHSVY--RQMVTFPDGTHNDTWFRGGSAYYDAIAAFV 278
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A2R6XUP4_MARPO (Peptidase_S9 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Marchantia polymorpha TaxID=3197 RepID=A0A2R6XUP4_MARPO) HSP 1 Score: 60.8 bits (146), Expect = 2.300e-9 Identity = 26/56 (46.43%), Postives = 38/56 (67.86%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 10 GLRDELIPPWHMRTLYNASPERAGGGKRLVTVADGTHNDTWEKGGQKYLRALEAFV 177 GLRDE++PP HMR LY+A+ A ++L+ +G H DTW KGG +Y R L+ ++ Sbjct: 240 GLRDEMVPPSHMRRLYDAAQLNAD--RQLIEFPNGMHMDTWLKGGDRYWRVLQLYL 293
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A453B481_AEGTS (Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Aegilops tauschii subsp. strangulata TaxID=200361 RepID=A0A453B481_AEGTS) HSP 1 Score: 57.0 bits (136), Expect = 3.290e-9 Identity = 26/58 (44.83%), Postives = 35/58 (60.34%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 10 GLRDELIPPWHMRTLYNASPERAGGGKRLVTVADGTHNDTWEKGGQKYLRALEAFVTE 183 GL+DEL+PP HMR LY+ + E R V +G H DTW GG +Y R +E F+ + Sbjct: 11 GLQDELVPPSHMRMLYDKAVEH-NRNCRFVDFLNGMHMDTWISGGDRYWRTIELFLDQ 67
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 vs. uniprot
Match: R7QN97_CHOCR (Hydrolase_4 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Chondrus crispus TaxID=2769 RepID=R7QN97_CHOCR) HSP 1 Score: 60.1 bits (144), Expect = 4.440e-9 Identity = 30/57 (52.63%), Postives = 39/57 (68.42%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 10 GLRDELIPPWHMRTLY-NASPERAGGGKRLVTVADGTHNDTWEKGGQKYLRALEAFV 177 GL+DEL PP HMR+L+ NA + K +T+A+GTHNDTW GG +Y A+E FV Sbjct: 271 GLKDELCPPDHMRSLHRNAEMAKF---KVFLTIAEGTHNDTWWIGGSQYREAVEDFV 324
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A7S1AMN0_NOCSC (Hypothetical protein n=1 Tax=Noctiluca scintillans TaxID=2966 RepID=A0A7S1AMN0_NOCSC) HSP 1 Score: 58.9 bits (141), Expect = 1.130e-8 Identity = 30/58 (51.72%), Postives = 34/58 (58.62%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 10 GLRDELIPPWHMRTLYN---ASPERAGGGKRLVTVADGTHNDTWEKGGQKYLRALEAF 174 G DEL+P WHM L+ ASP R L V +GTHNDTWEKGG +Y A AF Sbjct: 269 GTMDELVPSWHMEALHAGAVASPLR-----HLEAVPEGTHNDTWEKGGDEYWMAQGAF 321
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A0H5R3B5_9EUKA (Hydrolase_4 domain-containing protein (Fragment) n=1 Tax=Spongospora subterranea TaxID=70186 RepID=A0A0H5R3B5_9EUKA) HSP 1 Score: 58.9 bits (141), Expect = 1.150e-8 Identity = 24/60 (40.00%), Postives = 37/60 (61.67%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 4 AQGLRDELIPPWHMRTLYNASPERAGGGKRLVTVADGTHNDTWEKGGQKYLRALEAFVTE 183 A G +DEL+P HM TLY + R+ K + + DG+HNDTW++GG Y+ + F+ + Sbjct: 282 ASGRQDELVPSCHMDTLYEEA--RSSRAKTMHHIVDGSHNDTWQRGGTAYISLIHQFIVQ 339 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 vs. uniprot
Analysis Date: 2022-09-19 (Diamond blastx: OGS1.0 of Macrocystis pyrifera male vs UniRef90) Total hits: 25
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protein sequence of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 >prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 ID=prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1|Name=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1|organism=Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male|type=polypeptide|length=61bp MAQGLRDELIPPWHMRTLYNASPERAGGGKRLVTVADGTHNDTWEKGGQKback to top mRNA from alignment at M-pyrifera_M_contig92073:292..474+ Legend: CDSpolypeptide Hold the cursor over a type above to highlight its positions in the sequence below.>mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 ID=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1|Name=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1|organism=Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male|type=mRNA|length=183bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at M-pyrifera_M_contig92073:292..474+ (Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male)back to top Coding sequence (CDS) from alignment at M-pyrifera_M_contig92073:292..474+ >mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1 ID=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1|Name=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig92073.21313.1|organism=Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male|type=CDS|length=366bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at M-pyrifera_M_contig92073:292..474+ (Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male)back to top |