mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 (mRNA) Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A7G6YLE0_9BACT (DUF2183 domain-containing protein n=4 Tax=Hymenobacter TaxID=89966 RepID=A0A7G6YLE0_9BACT) HSP 1 Score: 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 3.270e-9 Identity = 31/85 (36.47%), Postives = 50/85 (58.82%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 1 HKVRGISTILESAPNAAVVLIGDTSQQDATAFSTVIGEHPERSIAAYLRDVGVPEKADLVREMLDGTPFEQ-PITIVEDLLEIVE 252 HK++ I +L + P VLIGD+ Q+DA + V+ HP R +A Y+RDV +P +A LV ++ D E + +V+D ++ E Sbjct: 267 HKLKEIDNLLLTYPKLPFVLIGDSGQEDANIYREVVRRHPGRVLAIYIRDVQLPNRAQLVEKVSDDLRDENVEMLLVQDTVQAAE 351
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A0Q9ZQ71_9FLAO (DUF2183 domain-containing protein n=5 Tax=Flavobacteriaceae TaxID=49546 RepID=A0A0Q9ZQ71_9FLAO) HSP 1 Score: 60.8 bits (146), Expect = 5.830e-9 Identity = 31/84 (36.90%), Postives = 52/84 (61.90%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 1 HKVRGISTILESAPNAAVVLIGDTSQQDATAFSTVIGEHPERSIAAYLRDVGVPEKADLVREMLDGTPFEQ-PITIVEDLLEIV 249 HK + I+ IL++ PN +LIGD+ + DA+ ++ + +HP+R +A YLR V ++ + VR ++D FE P+ +VE E V Sbjct: 254 HKQKEINNILQTYPNMEFILIGDSGEHDASIYTEIAAQHPDRILAIYLRSVNHKKQMNRVRSIIDN--FETTPVLMVESSQEAV 335
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI0009ECB945 (DUF2183 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Rufibacter sp. DG15C TaxID=1379909 RepID=UPI0009ECB945) HSP 1 Score: 60.5 bits (145), Expect = 8.500e-9 Identity = 33/70 (47.14%), Postives = 43/70 (61.43%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 1 HKVRGISTILESAPNAAVVLIGDTSQQDATAFSTVIGEHPERSIAAYLRDVGVPEKADLVR---EMLDGT 201 HK + I IL + P+ VLIGD+ QQDA + VI E P R I Y+RDV +PE+A++V E L GT Sbjct: 267 HKFKEIQNILLTYPHLNFVLIGDSGQQDAPIYKEVIKEFPGRIICVYIRDVELPERAEIVNVITEELKGT 336
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A5N1ISG6_9BACT (DUF2183 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Adhaeribacter soli TaxID=2607655 RepID=A0A5N1ISG6_9BACT) HSP 1 Score: 58.9 bits (141), Expect = 2.960e-8 Identity = 26/66 (39.39%), Postives = 43/66 (65.15%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 1 HKVRGISTILESAPNAAVVLIGDTSQQDATAFSTVIGEHPERSIAAYLRDVGVPEKADLVREMLDG 198 HK++ I +L + P VL+GD+ Q+DA + TV+ HP R +A Y+RDV + E+A++V + +G Sbjct: 266 HKLKEIENLLITYPKLNFVLVGDSGQEDARIYETVVKNHPGRILAIYIRDVKLAERAEIVVGISEG 331
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A6P1NVK6_9BACT (DUF2183 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Nibribacter ruber TaxID=2698458 RepID=A0A6P1NVK6_9BACT) HSP 1 Score: 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 7.610e-8 Identity = 29/70 (41.43%), Postives = 44/70 (62.86%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 1 HKVRGISTILESAPNAAVVLIGDTSQQDATAFSTVIGEHPERSIAAYLRDVGVPEKADLVR---EMLDGT 201 HK + I IL + P+ +LIGD+ QQDA + V+ + P R + Y+RDV +PE+A++V+ E L GT Sbjct: 267 HKFKEIQNILLTYPHLNFILIGDSGQQDAPIYKEVVKQFPGRVLCIYIRDVELPERAEVVKVISEELKGT 336
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A3M9MLV4_9BACT (DUF2183 domain-containing protein n=2 Tax=Rufibacter TaxID=1379908 RepID=A0A3M9MLV4_9BACT) HSP 1 Score: 57.0 bits (136), Expect = 1.420e-7 Identity = 31/70 (44.29%), Postives = 42/70 (60.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 1 HKVRGISTILESAPNAAVVLIGDTSQQDATAFSTVIGEHPERSIAAYLRDVGVPEKADLVR---EMLDGT 201 HK + I IL + P+ VLIGD+ QQDA + VI + P R I Y+RDV +P++A +V E L GT Sbjct: 268 HKFKEIQNILLTYPHLNFVLIGDSGQQDAPIYKEVIKQFPGRIICVYIRDVELPDRAQMVTTISEELKGT 337
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 vs. uniprot
Match: UPI00178C4293 (DUF2183 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Rufibacter sp. LB8 TaxID=2777781 RepID=UPI00178C4293) HSP 1 Score: 56.6 bits (135), Expect = 1.940e-7 Identity = 28/78 (35.90%), Postives = 46/78 (58.97%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 1 HKVRGISTILESAPNAAVVLIGDTSQQDATAFSTVIGEHPERSIAAYLRDVGVPEKADLVREMLDGTPFEQPITIVED 234 HK + I I + P+ VLIGD+ Q+DA + VI + P R I Y+RDV +PE+A++V ++ + + +V+D Sbjct: 268 HKFKEIQNIFLTYPHLNFVLIGDSGQEDAPIYREVIKQFPGRVICTYIRDVELPERAEIVTKITEELKGTVDMILVKD 345
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A1L6QZ37_9FLAO (DUF2183 domain-containing protein n=8 Tax=Salegentibacter TaxID=143222 RepID=A0A1L6QZ37_9FLAO) HSP 1 Score: 55.8 bits (133), Expect = 3.510e-7 Identity = 30/85 (35.29%), Postives = 51/85 (60.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 1 HKVRGISTILESAPNAAVVLIGDTSQQDATAFSTVIGEHPERSIAAYLRDVGVPEKADLVREMLDGTPFEQ-PITIVEDLLEIVE 252 HK + I+ IL++ P +LIGD+ + DA+ ++ + ++P+R +A YLR V ++ VR ++D FE P+ +VE E VE Sbjct: 254 HKQKEIANILKTYPEMNFILIGDSGEHDASIYTEIAAQYPDRILAIYLRSVKHKKQMSRVRSIIDN--FETTPVLMVETSQETVE 336
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A1M5LA10_9FLAO (Phosphatidate phosphatase APP1 n=1 Tax=Salegentibacter echinorum TaxID=1073325 RepID=A0A1M5LA10_9FLAO) HSP 1 Score: 54.3 bits (129), Expect = 1.230e-6 Identity = 31/85 (36.47%), Postives = 51/85 (60.00%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 1 HKVRGISTILESAPNAAVVLIGDTSQQDATAFSTVIGEHPERSIAAYLRDVGVPEKADLVREMLDGTPFEQ-PITIVEDLLEIVE 252 HK + I+ IL+S P+ +LIGD+ + DA+ ++ + + P+R +A YLR V ++ VR ++D FE P+ +VE E VE Sbjct: 254 HKQKEITNILKSYPSLKFILIGDSGEHDASIYTEIAEQFPDRILAIYLRSVKHKKQMRRVRSIIDN--FETTPMLMVESSHEAVE 336
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A2M6GGD3_9BACT (DUF2183 domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Cytophagales bacterium CG18_big_fil_WC_8_21_14_2_50_42_9 TaxID=1973956 RepID=A0A2M6GGD3_9BACT) HSP 1 Score: 53.1 bits (126), Expect = 3.220e-6 Identity = 24/59 (40.68%), Postives = 37/59 (62.71%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 1 HKVRGISTILESAPNAAVVLIGDTSQQDATAFSTVIGEHPERSIAAYLRDVGVPEKADL 177 HK + I IL + P VLIGD+ Q+D + V+ ++P R +A Y+RDV +PE+A + Sbjct: 266 HKFKEIENILITYPQLNFVLIGDSGQEDPVIYREVVKKYPTRILAIYIRDVQLPERAQI 324 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 vs. uniprot
Analysis Date: 2022-09-19 (Diamond blastx: OGS1.0 of Macrocystis pyrifera male vs UniRef90) Total hits: 24
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The following features are aligned
This mRNA is derived from or has results from the following analyses
The following CDS feature(s) are a part of this mRNA:
The following polypeptide feature(s) derives from this mRNA:
The following sequences are available for this feature:
protein sequence of mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 >prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 ID=prot_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1|Name=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1|organism=Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male|type=polypeptide|length=84bp HKVRGISTILESAPNAAVVLIGDTSQQDATAFSTVIGEHPERSIAAYLRDback to top mRNA from alignment at M-pyrifera_M_contig102196:410..661- Legend: CDSpolypeptide Hold the cursor over a type above to highlight its positions in the sequence below.>mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 ID=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1|Name=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1|organism=Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male|type=mRNA|length=252bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at M-pyrifera_M_contig102196:410..661- (Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male)back to top Coding sequence (CDS) from alignment at M-pyrifera_M_contig102196:410..661- >mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1 ID=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1|Name=mRNA_M-pyrifera_M_contig102196.467.1|organism=Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male|type=CDS|length=504bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at M-pyrifera_M_contig102196:410..661- (Macrocystis pyrifera P11B4 male)back to top |