mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1 (mRNA) Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1 vs. uniprot
Match: PRXV_ASCNO (Vanadium-dependent bromoperoxidase n=1 Tax=Ascophyllum nodosum TaxID=52969 RepID=PRXV_ASCNO) HSP 1 Score: 101 bits (251), Expect = 3.660e-22 Identity = 45/76 (59.21%), Postives = 55/76 (72.37%), Query Frame = 2 Query: 2 RQMMGVHYRLDSHEGLVLGEIIAVRRLHQELVGFPENHFYEFRLFTGETIKLDHDGKFYIDGKRCSGAAFSGVNSC 229 RQM+G+HYR D +GL+LGE I VR LHQEL+ F E +EFRLFTGE IKL DG F IDG +C G ++GV +C Sbjct: 480 RQMLGIHYRFDGIQGLLLGETITVRTLHQELMTFAEESTFEFRLFTGEVIKLFQDGTFTIDGFKCPGLVYTGVENC 555
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1 vs. uniprot
Match: O82433_FUCDI (Vanadium bromoperoxidase n=1 Tax=Fucus distichus TaxID=3012 RepID=O82433_FUCDI) HSP 1 Score: 101 bits (251), Expect = 4.140e-22 Identity = 46/76 (60.53%), Postives = 54/76 (71.05%), Query Frame = 2 Query: 2 RQMMGVHYRLDSHEGLVLGEIIAVRRLHQELVGFPENHFYEFRLFTGETIKLDHDGKFYIDGKRCSGAAFSGVNSC 229 RQM+G+HYR D +GL+LGE I VR LHQEL+ F E +EFRLFTGE IKL DG F IDG CSG ++GV C Sbjct: 599 RQMLGIHYRFDGIQGLLLGETITVRTLHQELMTFAEEATFEFRLFTGEVIKLFQDGTFSIDGDMCSGLVYTGVADC 674
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1 vs. uniprot
Match: B7ZGM6_9PHAE (Putative vanadium-dependent iodoperoxidase 3 n=1 Tax=Laminaria digitata TaxID=80365 RepID=B7ZGM6_9PHAE) HSP 1 Score: 97.1 bits (240), Expect = 1.220e-20 Identity = 44/76 (57.89%), Postives = 56/76 (73.68%), Query Frame = 2 Query: 2 RQMMGVHYRLDSHEGLVLGEIIAVRRLHQELVGFPENHFYEFRLFTGETIKLDHDGKFYIDGKRCSGAAFSGVNSC 229 R M GVH+R+DS +GL+LGE+ AVR L QE V FPEN YEF L +GETI+L+ DG F+I+ + CSG AF G + C Sbjct: 538 RNMCGVHWRIDSEQGLLLGEMAAVRILQQEAVTFPENAGYEFNLMSGETIRLETDGTFFINDRLCSGDAFMGADLC 613
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1 vs. uniprot
Match: Q4LDE6_9PHAE (Vanadium-dependent iodoperoxidase 1 n=1 Tax=Laminaria digitata TaxID=80365 RepID=Q4LDE6_9PHAE) HSP 1 Score: 96.3 bits (238), Expect = 2.280e-20 Identity = 44/76 (57.89%), Postives = 55/76 (72.37%), Query Frame = 2 Query: 2 RQMMGVHYRLDSHEGLVLGEIIAVRRLHQELVGFPENHFYEFRLFTGETIKLDHDGKFYIDGKRCSGAAFSGVNSC 229 R M+GVH+R+DS GL+LGE AVR L QE V +PEN YEFRL +G+TI+L+ DG F+ID CSG AF G + C Sbjct: 549 RNMLGVHWRIDSELGLLLGETAAVRILQQEAVAYPENAGYEFRLMSGKTIRLETDGTFFIDDTLCSGDAFMGADLC 624
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A3G3BM28_SACJA (Vanadium-dependent iodine peroxidase n=1 Tax=Saccharina japonica TaxID=88149 RepID=A0A3G3BM28_SACJA) HSP 1 Score: 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 7.050e-10 Identity = 30/48 (62.50%), Postives = 37/48 (77.08%), Query Frame = 2 Query: 2 RQMMGVHYRLDSHEGLVLGEIIAVRRLHQELVGFPENHFYEFRLFTGE 145 R MGVH+R+D+ EGL+LGE +AVR L QEL GFPE YEFR+ +GE Sbjct: 526 RNWMGVHWRMDAQEGLLLGETVAVRILMQELAGFPELEPYEFRVMSGE 573 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1 vs. uniprot
Analysis Date: 2022-09-19 (Diamond blastx: OGS1.0 vs UniRef90) Total hits: 5
The following features are aligned
This mRNA is derived from or has results from the following analyses
The following polypeptide feature(s) derives from this mRNA:
The following UTR feature(s) are a part of this mRNA:
The following CDS feature(s) are a part of this mRNA:
The following sequences are available for this feature:
protein sequence of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1 >prot_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1 ID=prot_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=polypeptide|length=75bp MMGVHYRLDSHEGLVLGEIIAVRRLHQELVGFPENHFYEFRLFTGETIKLback to top mRNA from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig748:30220..31086+ Legend: UTRpolypeptideCDS Hold the cursor over a type above to highlight its positions in the sequence below.>mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1 ID=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=mRNA|length=867bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig748:30220..31086+ (Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15)back to top Coding sequence (CDS) from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig748:30220..31086+ >mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1 ID=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig748.16369.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=CDS|length=450bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig748:30220..31086+ (Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15)back to top |