mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1 (mRNA) Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A6H5JXM3_9PHAE (Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Ectocarpus sp. CCAP 1310/34 TaxID=867726 RepID=A0A6H5JXM3_9PHAE) HSP 1 Score: 77.8 bits (190), Expect = 7.340e-15 Identity = 37/64 (57.81%), Postives = 48/64 (75.00%), Query Frame = 2 Query: 5 VKEHGQMSKTERERASSKCMQELAIPGFIKLVEAYEAQKERTLPMPHKWKDMVYHTTLGTGTAR 196 VKE +MS +R A+SKCMQE+A+PGFIKL+E + E MPHKWK MVY+TTLG+GT++ Sbjct: 162 VKEADKMSAAQRNLAASKCMQEIAVPGFIKLIEHALSTMEGPPQMPHKWKVMVYYTTLGSGTSK 225
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A6H5KFH5_9PHAE (Uncharacterized protein n=4 Tax=Ectocarpus sp. CCAP 1310/34 TaxID=867726 RepID=A0A6H5KFH5_9PHAE) HSP 1 Score: 72.4 bits (176), Expect = 2.650e-14 Identity = 35/61 (57.38%), Postives = 45/61 (73.77%), Query Frame = 2 Query: 5 VKEHGQMSKTERERASSKCMQELAIPGFIKLVEAYEAQKERTLPMPHKWKDMVYHTTLGTG 187 VKE +MS +R A+SKCMQE+A+PGFIKL+E + L MPHKWK MVY+T+LG+G Sbjct: 58 VKEADKMSAAQRNLAASKCMQEIAVPGFIKLIEHALSIMGGPLQMPHKWKVMVYYTSLGSG 118
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1 vs. uniprot
Match: D7FV02_ECTSI (Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Ectocarpus siliculosus TaxID=2880 RepID=D7FV02_ECTSI) HSP 1 Score: 60.5 bits (145), Expect = 9.040e-9 Identity = 30/61 (49.18%), Postives = 38/61 (62.30%), Query Frame = 2 Query: 5 VKEHGQMSKTERERASSKCMQELAIPGFIKLVEAYEAQKERTLPMPHKWKDMVYHTTLGTG 187 VK+ M R A SK MQE+A+PG+IK+ EA + L PH WKD +Y+TTLGTG Sbjct: 58 VKQGEDMKSDVRNAAMSKRMQEIAVPGWIKVCEAAIKDSQGELVFPHGWKDALYYTTLGTG 118
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A6H5KGQ6_9PHAE (Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Ectocarpus sp. CCAP 1310/34 TaxID=867726 RepID=A0A6H5KGQ6_9PHAE) HSP 1 Score: 58.2 bits (139), Expect = 1.190e-8 Identity = 25/41 (60.98%), Postives = 32/41 (78.05%), Query Frame = 2 Query: 62 MQELAIPGFIKLVEAYEAQKERTLPMPHKWKDMVYHTTLGT 184 MQE+A+ GFIKL+E + + L MPHKWKDMVY+TTLG+ Sbjct: 1 MQEIAVSGFIKLIEHAMSTMDGPLQMPHKWKDMVYYTTLGS 41 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1 vs. uniprot
Analysis Date: 2022-09-19 (Diamond blastx: OGS1.0 vs UniRef90) Total hits: 4
The following features are aligned
This mRNA is derived from or has results from the following analyses
The following polypeptide feature(s) derives from this mRNA:
The following UTR feature(s) are a part of this mRNA:
The following CDS feature(s) are a part of this mRNA:
The following sequences are available for this feature:
protein sequence of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1 >prot_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1 ID=prot_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=polypeptide|length=65bp MSKTERERASSKCMQELAIPGFIKLVEAYEAQKERTLPMPHKWKDMVYHTback to top mRNA from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig16701:2204..3027- Legend: UTRpolypeptideCDS Hold the cursor over a type above to highlight its positions in the sequence below.>mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1 ID=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=mRNA|length=824bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig16701:2204..3027- (Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15)back to top Coding sequence (CDS) from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig16701:2204..3027- >mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1 ID=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig16701.4532.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=CDS|length=390bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig16701:2204..3027- (Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15)back to top |