mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1 (mRNA) Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1 vs. uniprot
Match: D7FL29_ECTSI (Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Ectocarpus siliculosus TaxID=2880 RepID=D7FL29_ECTSI) HSP 1 Score: 83.2 bits (204), Expect = 2.270e-15 Identity = 53/70 (75.71%), Postives = 57/70 (81.43%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 325 TASARRNLSSLSLALAVDRPILLHGAAGAGKSTLAREAARLISA---GSDEDTEASSPALLEVHLDDQTD 525 TASARRNLSSLSLAL VDRPILL+G AG+GKS LAREAARLIS G D + ASS LLE+HLDDQTD Sbjct: 405 TASARRNLSSLSLALTVDRPILLYGPAGSGKSLLAREAARLISNSGDGVDPEPGASSTPLLELHLDDQTD 474
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A6H5JB27_9PHAE (Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Ectocarpus sp. CCAP 1310/34 TaxID=867726 RepID=A0A6H5JB27_9PHAE) HSP 1 Score: 70.5 bits (171), Expect = 5.820e-11 Identity = 56/118 (47.46%), Postives = 58/118 (49.15%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 325 TASARRNLSSLSLALAVDRPILLHGAAGAGKSTLAREAARLISA---------------------------------------------------GSDEDTEASSPALLEVHLDDQTD 525 TASARRNLSSLSLAL VDRPILLHG AG+GKS LAREAARLIS G D D ASS ALLE+HLDDQTD Sbjct: 404 TASARRNLSSLSLALTVDRPILLHGPAGSGKSLLAREAARLISNSGAGMTVRPQLKVQPVILNQPRQSIQNDIHVLTNLAASPHAALNPIPCEADGVDPDPGASSTALLELHLDDQTD 521
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A835Z947_9STRA (P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase protein (Fragment) n=1 Tax=Tribonema minus TaxID=303371 RepID=A0A835Z947_9STRA) HSP 1 Score: 55.1 bits (131), Expect = 1.270e-5 Identity = 37/58 (63.79%), Postives = 39/58 (67.24%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 355 LSLALAVDRPILLHGAAGAGKSTLAREAARLISAGSDEDTEASSPA-LLEVHLDDQTD 525 LSLAL P+LLHGAAGAGKS L REAARL G PA LLE+HLDDQTD Sbjct: 4 LSLALLQPGPVLLHGAAGAGKSALLREAARLSCRG---------PAPLLELHLDDQTD 52
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1 vs. uniprot
Match: A0A5D6XYG6_9STRA (VWFA domain-containing protein n=1 Tax=Pythium brassicum TaxID=1485010 RepID=A0A5D6XYG6_9STRA) HSP 1 Score: 54.3 bits (129), Expect = 2.430e-5 Identity = 34/71 (47.89%), Postives = 48/71 (67.61%), Query Frame = 1 Query: 313 PAASTASARRNLSSLSLALAVDRPILLHGAAGAGKSTLAREAARLISAGSDEDTEASSPALLEVHLDDQTD 525 P +TAS +RNL SL++AL + RPIL+ GA G GK+ + RE ARL +G+D+ ++E+HLDDQ D Sbjct: 325 PLVATASTKRNLQSLAIALGLKRPILVAGAGGCGKTAMIRELARL--SGNDD--------MVELHLDDQID 385 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1 vs. uniprot
Analysis Date: 2022-09-19 (Diamond blastx: OGS1.0 vs UniRef90) Total hits: 4
The following features are aligned
This mRNA is derived from or has results from the following analyses
The following polypeptide feature(s) derives from this mRNA:
The following CDS feature(s) are a part of this mRNA:
The following UTR feature(s) are a part of this mRNA:
The following sequences are available for this feature:
protein sequence of mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1 >prot_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1 ID=prot_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=polypeptide|length=94bp MVETASSAAVDSSRSDDNLTRSVPAASTASARRNLSSLSLALAVDRPILLback to top mRNA from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig13811:992..1738- Legend: UTRpolypeptideCDS Hold the cursor over a type above to highlight its positions in the sequence below.>mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1 ID=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=mRNA|length=747bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig13811:992..1738- (Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15)back to top Coding sequence (CDS) from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig13811:992..1738- >mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1 ID=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1|Name=mRNA_L-elsbetiae_contig13811.2883.1|organism=Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15|type=CDS|length=564bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at L-elsbetiae_contig13811:992..1738- (Laminarionema elsbetiae ELsaHSoW15)back to top |