Desmarestia herbacea Search for: Available organisms Desmarestia herbacea DmunF female Desmarestia herbacea DmunM male Available datasets Desmarestia herbacea DmunF female Functional annotation: Diamond blastp: OGS1.0 of Desmarestia herbacea DmunF female vs UniRef90 16759 annotated proteins, performed on 2022-09-16 Functional annotation: Diamond blastx: OGS1.0 of Desmarestia herbacea DmunF female vs UniRef90 16759 annotated proteins, performed on 2022-09-19 Genome assembly: genome v1.0 of Desmarestia herbacea DmunF female 2593 sequences, performed on 2021-02-24 Functional annotation: InterProScan on OGS1.0 of Desmarestia herbacea DmunF female 16759 annotated proteins, performed on 2022-09-29 Structural annotation: OGS1.0 of Desmarestia herbacea DmunF female 16759 genes, performed on 2021-02-24 Desmarestia herbacea DmunM male Functional annotation: Diamond blastp: OGS1.0 of Desmarestia herbacea DmunM male vs UniRef90 16271 annotated proteins, performed on 2022-09-16 Functional annotation: Diamond blastx: OGS1.0 of Desmarestia herbacea DmunM male vs UniRef90 16271 annotated proteins, performed on 2022-09-19 Genome assembly: genome v1.0 of Desmarestia herbacea DmunM male 1483 sequences, performed on 2021-02-24 Functional annotation: InterProScan on OGS1.0 of Desmarestia herbacea DmunM male 16271 annotated proteins, performed on 2022-09-29 Structural annotation: OGS1.0 of Desmarestia herbacea DmunM male 16271 genes, performed on 2021-02-24